Interested in partnering with the CFA?
By partnering with the CFA, your company can take advantage of multiple opportunities to connect with our members.
We provide guaranteed energy savings with no out-of-pocket costs for your business through our unique Energy Efficiency-as-a-Service solution. We provide all the technology, 100% of the investment in efficiency upgrades and the expertise to deliver the most energy-efficient, highest savings solution without the project risks or the frustration of competing financial tradeoffs.
Contact: Craig Norris
Phone: 214-549-6936
The Job Creators Network (JCN) is a nonpartisan organization whose mission is to advocate on behalf of the 90 million people who rely on the success of small businesses. Through grassroots campaigns and media engagement, JCN educates the public on the importance of free market and pro-job policies.
Contact: Alfredo Ortiz
Phone: 404-242-7691
Do you have a complete strategy to meet your wealth goals and live your best life? Do you have ample cash resources to invest in your next venture? Is your family’s livelihood properly protected? Will you be able to step away when you’re ready? You need a partner who understands your unique challenges as an entrepreneur and can advise you on your most important financial decisions. Queenvest will help you grow and protect your wealth by expertly guiding you through the complexities of your financial life.
Contact: Ruzanna Queenan
Phone: 617-913-7346
Click here to view the CFA partnership opportunities.
Contact: 678-797-5160 or